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      India’s highly competent pharma industry with excellent technology can boost its global share and become a major hub of the world pharmaceutical industry. Many of the foreign countries are eager to tap India’s huge pharmaceutical potential. In healthcare profession, the role of pharmacist is significant as an expert in drug monitoring and councelling. It is the need of the time to equip the pharmacy students and the researchers to cope up with these challenges. It is the duty of the academic institutions to provide high quality pharmacy education - a kind of pharmaceutical excellence.
      St. Joseph’s College of Pharmacy(D.Pharm) is completing sixteen years of its service. The Management is committed to the cause and an array of dedicated faculty members are behind the success of the college. The scientific seminars, workshops and conferences in collaboration with pharmaceutical industries are conducted in the college so as to focus on the latest developments of the pharma world. The students are encouraged in boosting up their enthusiasm and confidence to become experts in pharmaceutical field and good citizens.
      Congratulations and best wishes to the rank holders of D.Pharm.

                                                                                               Dr. Sr. Betty Carla

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