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About Us
      St.Joseph’s College of Pharmacy is one of the pioneers in the field of pharmacy education in Kerala. It is a unit of Nirmala Province of the Medical Sisters of St.Joseph (MSJ Dharmagiri), Aluva, Kerala, India. The Medical Sisters of St.Joseph is a Christian Congregation dedicated to St.Joseph, started in the year 1944 by Servant of God Rev. Msgr.Joseph. C. Panjikaran. (Photo)We are called to the Congregation of Medical Sisters of St.Joseph in order to experience the merciful love of the Father, revealed through Jesus Christ and to reciprocate that love through loving service to the poor, the sick and the least of the brethren, to share it in our community and to attain holiness of life.
      The Founder was a highly qualified person with a divine vision, the vision of the great prophet Isaiah. "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord".

Head Quarters
Medical Sisters of St.Joseph (Dharmagiri)
Nirmala Provincial House
Aluva 683105, Kerala, India.
Telephone: 0484 2837844, 2838134

Sr. Divya MSJ
(Provincial Superior)
Sr. Elsy MSJ
(Asst. Prov. Superior & Councilor of Healing Mission)
     Apart from many Educational Institutions in the field of Pharmacy, Nursing etc. the Medical Sisters of St.Joseph manages several hospitals in India and abroad. They also manage multi-specialty hospitals, centers for mentally and physically challenged persons, holistic healing centers etc.
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